
Beighton Dental Care

Chipped and Broken Teeth

Chipped and Broken Teeth: Causes and Solutions


When it comes to our oral health, our teeth play a vital role in not only our ability to chew and speak but also in our overall confidence and appearance. However, chipped and broken teeth can be a common dental issue that many individuals face. In this article, we’ll discuss the causes behind chipped and broken teeth and explore the solutions available, provided by your trusted dentist in Sheffield.

Causes of Chipped and Broken Teeth:

  1. Accidents and Trauma: Accidents, whether it’s a fall, sports-related injury, or a blow to the face, can often lead to chipped or broken teeth. These sudden impacts can cause fractures or chips in the enamel, compromising the tooth’s integrity.
  2. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common condition that often occurs during sleep. The excessive grinding and clenching of teeth can gradually wear down enamel, leading to chipping, fractures, or even tooth loss over time.
  3. Poor Oral Hygiene: Neglecting proper oral hygiene, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, can contribute to the weakening of tooth structure. This can make teeth more susceptible to chipping and breaking, especially if decay or cavities are present.
  4. Biting Hard Objects: Using your teeth as tools to open packages or biting down on hard objects like ice, pens, or bottle caps can exert excessive force on your teeth, increasing the risk of chipping or fracturing them.

Solutions for Chipped and Broken Teeth:

  1. Dental Bonding: Dental bonding can be an effective solution for minor chips or cracks. This involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin to the affected area, which is then shaped and hardened to blend seamlessly with the natural tooth.
  2. Dental Crowns: For more extensive damage, such as large chips or fractures, dental crowns may be recommended. These custom-made caps cover the entire visible portion of the tooth, restoring its shape, strength, and appearance.
  3. Veneers: Veneers are thin, porcelain shells bonded to the teeth’ front surface to improve their appearance. They can effectively conceal minor chips, cracks, or discoloration, providing a durable and natural-looking solution.
  4. Dental Implants: In cases where a tooth is severely damaged or lost, dental implants offer a permanent solution for restoration. These titanium posts are surgically placed into the jawbone and topped with a lifelike crown, mimicking the appearance and function of a natural tooth.


Don’t let chipped or broken teeth impact your smile and confidence. At Beighton Dental Care, our experienced team of dental professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and tailored solutions to restore your oral health and beauty. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile.

Remember, a healthy smile starts with proper dental care. Contact Beighton Dental Care, your trusted dentist in Sheffield, for comprehensive dental services tailored to your needs.

Contact Info:

Website: https://beightondentalcare.co.uk/
Address:  24 High St, Beighton, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Contact: +44 114 247 4062
Email: enquiry.beightondentalcare@gmail.com